Just as everybody is celebrating international women’s day all around the world, the Gobi content team decided to follow Gobi female leaders on the day of their work. From entering their offices to leading everyone in their workplace, we wanted to show everyone how they are secretly heroes in their way. They are all experienced leaders working in the industry for over 20 years, therefore they don’t only lead but they are engineers who know all of the production processes from the technological points. Their hard work is not seen, nor told, but the results are always shown. They are truly remarkable women making impossible possible, that’s what we want to let our readers know. Here is to inspire many young women to follow their steps.

Director in charge of Factories
Meet E. Zolzaya. She is the boss lady in charge of manufacturing in general. She leads thousands of people by closely working with the heads of the 5 factories. Her day at work usually revolves around checking in with the factories regarding the production processes, resolving issues, and meetings after meetings. Instead of focusing on one factory, she sees the big picture and the big future. She knows everyone got a big potential if they have the right mindset.
Head of Primary
Processing Factory
Meet D. Dulamsuren. Cashmere is as soft as her character. Primary processing including sorting, washing, scouring, and dehairing processes are all done by her lead. Her day is usually spent reporting quality and performances, checking on the normal function of the machinery, giving directions to her factory members, and attending the scheduled meetings. She is the real fairy of cashmere processing. 20 years of hard work she put into cashmere production has made her one of the most valuable professionals we have.

Head of Spinning Factory
Meet N. Davaasuren. She put extra attention to the quality of yarns which directly affects the quality of our clothes. She is responsible for making yarns from the dehaired cashmere that came from the primary processing factory. She said she focuses on improving the quality of yarns under safety principles by engaging with the employees, making decisions, and guiding everyone. After seeing her at her job, we wondered how could we have one of the best yarns without her. She is proud of making yarns from such a rare and delicate fiber.
Head of Weaving Factory
Meet D.Dulamsuren. She said she’s like a mother to her co-workers. Through her words, to make great products, the one who leads has to take great care of their employees like their children by communicating with them, understanding them, and working together to make decisions. She is putting her blood and sweat into making the best cashmere fabric with a mindset “Good things come from good hearts”.

Head of Knitting Factory
Meet Ts. Oyunbileg. The knitting factory has the most employees at GOBI. It’s very important for her to make sure everything goes smoothly according to the plan. She works closely with every team member to guide them for better productivity and better quality. Her beauty radiates through her cheerful, and energetic soul that is contagious to everyone. With that energy, they make 1.5 million pieces of cashmere items each year.
Head of Sewing Factory
Meet S.Otgontsetseg . Just from looking at the workmanship of our sewn clothes, you can guess straight away how neat and clean the people who made them must be. Otgo is the head of the sewing factory, organizing everything from making plans, reporting fulfillments and performances, to fixing problems on the spot at every stage of manufacturing. She puts her mind into making the best fitting, most comfortable yet stylish products.

The power of these women is the tip of an iceberg that is the power of all women. Under their leadership, our employees produce the softest and the most lovable cashmere pieces that feel just like a mother’s hug. Happy international women’s day to every woman on our planet.